Busy week, sorry for slow updates. I mean it snowed here for crying out loud. For half of 2bros1blog thats big news (here's a hint, it's this half). Anyways onto your required knowledge:
Bilbro Baggins (n.): Pull out an epic journey (carry a keg of Natty +2 miles, multiple slampieces at once, or snowboard and surf in the same day, all acceptable brojourneys), come back and write an epic about it, and you're a Bilbro Baggins.
"That party last night was awfully crazy, remember Jason did 10 kegstands? He texted me this morning, talk about a Bilbro Baggins."
And for the bro-quote (completely unaltered this time, I swear)
Mark Twain was chill.
So again, sorry for the lack of content, we'll make up for it. Starting.... now. Watch this, fullscreen 720p. Mind: blown?
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